
My name is Michael and I am 24. This blog is the record of my journey towards living a minimal life.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Plan

Today I wrote down the 21 day plan on my calendar. If all  goes well I will be on my way to a brand new lifestyle by the 24th but if it takes a little longer that is okay also, life happens. As I looked at the third day, which is packing, I realized I had WAY to much stuff. So I kind of skipped ahead to days 11, 12, and 13 so I would not be as overwhelmed tomorrow.... a sort of preliminary round.

I cleaned out an entire closet and realized I didn't need or use anything that was in it, it was an eye opening experience. I already feel much better and I have only just begun. 

One of my 'musts' is I must run an ultra-marathon. I have wanted to run an ultra-marathon for the past couple of years, but I have never fully committed myself. Mostly due to distractions and the fact that I can be very fickle. Being fickle coupled with the ability to instantaneously get information on the internet, creates a situation in which I never end up doing anything because I want to do everything.

That ends today. Today is a 2 mile run -- don't judge me, I have been lazy

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